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Planning An Alaskan Camping Trip

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  • Planning An Alaskan Camping Trip

    Me and my friend from high school have always wanted to go on a long (perhaps 3 weeks to a month) camping trip together somewhere, and recently have decided that we want to do it in Alaska. We have both read and seen Into The Wild and have decided that we want to do that. However, we want to be more prepared than Christopher McCandless was. We are hoping to take this trip this summer. Me and my friend are avid outdoors men but are not sure how to go about planning a trip like this. We would like to do it deep into the wilderness and live off the land for the time we are out there, but do not want to put ourselves into danger by not being able to seek help if needed. If there are any long time campers out there who have some advice on how to take a trip like this, please let me know. I would really appreciate it.

  • #2
    Howdy jlive24,
    Yep, it will take a heap of planning. You'll have to figure how to get there, by thumb, motorbike, truck, or plane. You'll have to plan on saving money for the trip. If you drive you'll have to be able to handle the situation and have the funds to pay for a repair. You'll have to spend time looking at Alaskan websites and picking your route. There is plenty planning to be done. I think the best thing to do is to sit down with your friend and talk more about it. Once you have the basics down on paper or in the computer then you'll have more to go on than just dreaming about going. You might also want to do a google search on Alaskan camping blogs, to see what other people have to say about Alaska. I was fortunate to be stationed at Ft. Wainwright in Fairbanks back in the 1970s and I had a blast. Went to Denali National Park, hitch-hiked to the town of Caribou on the Artic Circle. Got to experience daylight at 1 AM, my list goes on and on. Yours will too. The best advice I can give you is to write everything in a log on your machine. Spend time wisely, the seasons will go by fast and before you know it it will be summer and where will you be? We hope it's Alaska? BTW: Keeping a list of what you have to start and what your friend has is just the beginning. Improve on your list and get what you think you will need. I don't know what you need only you know that.
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


    • #3
      Planning An Alaskan Camping Trip

      I know its past the first weekend in December, but when are you planning to make the trip to Tahuya?

