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Tenting Camping Aug/Sept 2012?

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  • #16
    Re: Tenting Camping Aug/Sept 2012?

    Change of plans....leaving very early for Lizard Creek Campground, WY! The very north end of the Grand Tetons National Park. First come first served! Sounds like a plan! 5-6 hours drive! Be back late Sept 3! Adios fer now! If you ain't going camping you're wrong!
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


    • #17
      Re: Tenting Camping Aug/Sept 2012?

      I have 2 trips planed in September and 2 planed for October. I know October was not part of the questions but that is when it finally get cool in Texas.


      • #18
        Re: Tenting Camping Aug/Sept 2012?

        Hope you can approve my posts so I can join in! Leaving tonight btw to go tent camping on the Blue Ridge Parkway, gorgeous mountain camping, should be low 80's, 50% chance of rain. Havn't tent camped in years but I was pretty adept as a scout when i was a teen. Can't wait to put those (mostly lost) skills to the test! Going to get a campfire going and everything. Just myself and my girl, no kids or any other distractions. We're determined to make this a learning experience for both of us, and something we can both enjoy to bring us closer together. She's an outdoorsy person herself (so she says, about to put that to the test!) but mainly prefers cold weather so this will be a real test for her! I like the hot weather so I'm going to be hiking, swimming, anything I can think of!

        Wish us luck!


        • #19
          Re: Tenting Camping Aug/Sept 2012?

          It's not locked down 100%, but I'm pretty sure my son and I will be going camping tomorrow and Saturday. I also have another trip planned for the following weekend 9/21-9/23 with my son and my two step-sons as well.

          Found a nice looking campground in a link from RFD's thread:

          It's not a free campsite as the site would suggest, but very reasonable rates.
          Last edited by ddrinik; 09-13-2012, 02:57 PM.


          • #20
            Re: Tenting Camping Aug/Sept 2012?

            Daughter and I are headed out next Thursday to Carlsbad Caverns National Park. Plan on hiking a couple of trails and pitching camp at the end of the trail. Will take a break along the way to go into the caves and hoping to see the flight of the bats if they are still there. Will be my first time to actually hike out to do some backpack camping. Only worry I really have is that there is no water out there whatsoever. We are figuring on carrying two gallons a piece. Should make the hike back a lot easier...LOL. Can't wait to get out there!
            "It's better to have that and not need it than it is to need it and not have it" - Captain Woodrow F. Call

            Nights spent out in 2014: 1


            • #21
              Re: Tenting Camping Aug/Sept 2012?

              Took my son to Carlsbad in 2006, what a trip. Hope you and your daughter enjoy. Bring a flashlight in the caves.


              • #22
                Re: Tenting Camping Aug/Sept 2012?

                Went for a three day week end after labor day. Nice to wait for any crowds to disperse. Nice national park on the Cumberland plateau in Tn. It was great trying out the new tent. Soooooo good to be able to stand up in a tent in more then a 18" area in the middle. At 6'2" and getting older comfort starts to steer equipment choices.
                We had a good time. I knew a thunderstorm was coming Friday night so I tarped the tent and a nice area for the table and bikes. We were able to fix breakfast and wait out the rain Sat. morning before beautiful camping weather arrived.
                It already seems to long ago since I got home I'm thinking of another three day weekend next week.

