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Wow!!!! I just got banned from bcusa!!!!

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  • Wow!!!! I just got banned from bcusa!!!!

    Never mind, talking about this makes me no better than them...
    Last edited by busere; 03-27-2012, 06:44 PM.
    2012 - Nights spent in the back country: 12

  • #2
    Re: Wow!!!! I just got banned from bcusa!!!!

    May I bash....myself? Oops, already done that! You in the armed forces sacrifice much! I was in the Army, a long time ago! Here's a toast to our military keeping us secure! Salute! In this forum you are treated with great respect! Every service man or woman thank you for protecting our borders!! And keeping our country great!!
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


    • #3
      Re: Wow!!!! I just got banned from bcusa!!!!

      sign in under a different user name, that's what I did here. By the way were you talking about I never noticed any bad mouthing on that site.
      Last edited by 05Kingquad700; 03-27-2012, 04:27 PM.
      Nights camped in 2019: 24
      Nights camped in 2018: 24


      • #4
        Re: Wow!!!! I just got banned from...

        Sorry guys...talking about this makes me no better than them...I need to forget about it.

        renodesertfox...can you delet this thread?
        Last edited by busere; 03-27-2012, 06:47 PM.
        2012 - Nights spent in the back country: 12


        • #5
          Re: Wow!!!! I just got banned from bcusa!!!!

          When I had a side business, I visited a forum that related to that side business. It was amazing how many Christians would screw a small business owner. The saying on that site was "Don't trust the fish". You would think someone who claims to be religious or have religious script in the sig line would be above bashing. I am a mod on another site, and the owner and several mods are very racist. They post it right out in the open and don't even try and hide it. I have pointed it out, but the owner has said it his site and he will say whatever he wants. Plus they are very conservative and cannot stand Obama and democrats, most of the posts are bashing the POTUS, and his party. I stole Ben's sig idea and started posting how many ATV rides I have been on this year, most are following and the ones that bitch about race and politics are the ones who are not doing any riding. Kinda makes you wonder they are mod on an ATV site, if they don't ride anymore.
          I learned a lot from that site, I kinda just read and learn. I have heard some stuff about Dave and Bear, but not much. I don't really look for them either.
          Nights camped in 2019: 24
          Nights camped in 2018: 24


          • #6
            Re: Wow!!!! I just got banned from...

            The below is no meant to preach, it's an explanation simply to answer Shawn’s post (sorry for the length)...

            Understanding Modern Christianity

            In today's society...not all people that call themselves Christians...are followers of Christ. And for the non-Christian it can be hard to see the sometimes very blurred line. The Bible says that you will know them by their fruit (love). There are a lot of Church goers and Chrieasters's (Christmas/Easter Church goers) that assume the title Christian but have no relationship with Jesus Christ or even understand what being a follower of Christ really means. If you ask most people that go to Church today, "What makes you a Christian?" The Number one answer is, "Because I was raised that way." Number two answer is, "I go to Church every Sunday." A lot can't even tell you why Jesus is important or even the most basic principles of Theology (Knowing God). 98% of all people that call themselves a Christian have Bibles...but only 20% of all people that call themselves Christians read their Bibles on a regular basis. To most, it's a title that they like to ware, but know nothing about what it really means to be a Christian. How do I know, you ask...?

            I'm a Ministerial student and for the last seven years I've been a Protestant Lay Leader on three different Submarines while in the Navy. I wrote a paper for one of my classes based upon a sermon that John Wesley wrote in the 1700's entitled "The Almost Christian". My paper was entitled "The Almost Heathen". His sermon was about people that live their lives well, almost sin free, the only part they’re missing is believing in Christ. My paper was about the opposite, people that say they believe in Christ, but live their lives in a pit of sin.

            The one thing we have to remember about anyone, Christian or not…nobody’s perfect. We all sin sometime or another…we all make mistakes…we all miss the mark. Which is what makes God’s grace (our salvation through Christ) so important. I’ll give you an explanation (not to try to convert, but to explain what we believe)…it’s the only way to do this.

            What Christians Believe

            1. No man or woman is without sin - the Greek word for sin means, “To Miss the Mark”. We all have sinned no matter how small or insignificant it may have seemed…therefore, no one is perfect.

            2. No one is allowed into Heaven unless they are perfect. Which means there is nothing anyone of us can do…no good deed is good enough to make-up for the thousands, maybe millions of sins that we’ve committed though-out our lives. Mother Teresa was once asked if she was with-out sin, and she laughed and said, “No…I probably sin three times a day…no one is without sin except Jesus.” Three times a day equals 1095 sins per year…and she was about as perfect as one of us can get.

            3. (Here’s the hard spot for most people) The reason we can’t get into Heaven, there is a price for sin that needs to be paid, and that price is death. Yeah, I know…that sounds ugly, I mean, “How can a Loving God expect us to be perfect?” Don’t worry I’ll get to that.

            4. The only way to pay for ALL man’s sin, one time for all, required a perfect sacrifice…If one person was to die for every person out there’s sins…they had to be perfectly perfect or completely sin free. God came to earth as a man…Jesus Christ, also known as Emmanuel, which means “God with us”. He lived his life sin free and died on the cross for our sins…God loved us so much that he put himself on the cross and died for our sins…but because he was perfect in every way and blameless, he rose from the dead.

            5. The price he paid on the cross for our sin was not just for our past sins, but all the sins that we commit…period. This is what get’s most people in trouble…”I’m saved…I can do whatever I want now! WooHoo!” Well, not so much.

            6. We have to first, repent, which means “change your mind”…we have to see that what we did is wrong and humble ourselves before God. This can be another problem for people…people don’t like to admit that they’re doing something that is wrong.

            7. We then ask for forgiveness and for Jesus to enter our hearts and to help us be who He wants’ us to be. We give up our own will for his…We follow Christ.

            That is what we believe, but to truly believe that is to believe that the Bible is the inerrant word of God.

            Even though we do not believe that it is our actions (good deeds) that gives us salvation…it is our good deeds that show the world who we are. Bashing of other people public or in private…it’s contrary to the love that we are supposed to show the world. As the Bible says, “You will know them by their love”.

            The next time you see someone that claims to be a Christian speaking with (what I call) muck-mouth…bashing people and so on…ask them in a nice polite way…if Jesus would like their actions. If you get bashed for it…the, “DON’T JUDGE ME!” thing…yeah...they’re probably not really a Christian at heart. But, if they come back with an apology for their actions…they’re on the right path.

            Again...sorry for the size of this post...but there is not a simple answer to that one.
            Last edited by busere; 03-28-2012, 08:40 AM. Reason: Formatting...
            2012 - Nights spent in the back country: 12


            • #7
              Re: Wow!!!! I just got banned from...

              busere, Great description of Christianity. By the way what is bcusa?


              • #8
                Re: Wow!!!! I just got banned from bcusa!!!!

                busere, i liked reading the descriptive explanation of today's christian. fruit is evident of all things, good or bad and the fruit is highly visible, good or bad...thanks for the read!!!


                • #9
                  Re: Wow!!!! I just got banned from bcusa!!!!

                  The most likely reasons I got pushed from there was my being both non-Christian and non-white. Things were going alright in the beginning, but soon as I revealed my indigenous heritage everything began to get rather cold before it went bad. I know the white supremacist forum Stormfront is quite fond of them.


                  • #10
                    Re: Wow!!!! I just got banned from bcusa!!!!

                    Wow, east-coast Christians sure have way different beliefs than on the west coast...

                    Typed from the white sands of Antigua, East Carribbean
                    “People have such a love for the truth that when they happen to love something else, they want it to be the truth; and because they do not wish to be proven wrong, they refuse to be shown their mistake. And so, they end up hating the truth for the sake of the object which they have come to love instead of the truth.”
                    ―Augustine of Hippo, Fifth Century A.D.


                    • #11
                      Re: Wow!!!! I just got banned from bcusa!!!!

                      Originally posted by tplife View Post
                      Wow, east-coast Christians sure have way different beliefs than on the west coast...

                      Typed from the white sands of Antigua, East Carribbean
                      Ahahahahahaha..ya mean the islands where no one can tell a first name from a last name? Anddddddddd they really wish they were good upstanding Bajans who could spell properly?:666:
                      Inside family joke that noooooope not sharing all cuz ya gotta BE from the islands to play this version of the dozens thang thang:he:. Or as the Jamaican said to the Dominican:"Dere tree a we and 2 of uno!".

                      Anywho my now living in Oz nephew just returned last Thursday from visiting kith and kin there. Will hear his version of gossip on the 4th.

                      Enjoy your stay and may your ducana be as good as my BIL's who REFUSES to give me the recipe. Sniffle.
                      Last edited by NYCgrrl; 06-30-2014, 09:36 AM.

                      July 3 to July 16- annual kiddo trip
                      Aug 2 to Aug 14- adult trip to recover from kiddos' outing. Bring on the Campari!


                      • #12
                        Re: Wow!!!! I just got banned from bcusa!!!!

                        :lol: Yellow tail, yoh need some feel good! (Ayo don wan to know whose corn I mash today, I tellin yo!). Tplife, fa true, no baan ya, I touriss from far, bu know dese transplants, big people I tellin yoh, many izzles - fah donkey years!!!

                        North Finger, Jolly Harbour, St. Marys Parish, Antigua, W.I.

                        Last edited by tplife; 06-30-2014, 10:35 AM.
                        “People have such a love for the truth that when they happen to love something else, they want it to be the truth; and because they do not wish to be proven wrong, they refuse to be shown their mistake. And so, they end up hating the truth for the sake of the object which they have come to love instead of the truth.”
                        ―Augustine of Hippo, Fifth Century A.D.

