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Camping Finally or About Time

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  • Camping Finally or About Time

    Temps in high 90's an heat indexes above One Hundred f had made camping impossible for us ole folks.
    Monday this week f was in the 60's in a.m. not 80f.
    Day temps dropped into 80's. Light breezes finally began again.
    Were not ready Tuesday as we headed for small state park near our front door. Starve Hollow Lake.
    After tossing firewood and kayak into trailer we were off.
    Kayaking was beautiful. Blue Herons and Cardinals were active.
    Only three other campers in lakeshore area.
    we were all spread nearly out of sight of one another. Sipping Tim Hortons coffee and watching fire was good to do again, after so long.
    Fish had locke jaw. But, so happy to be in the bush again, that was not important.
    We were camping again and that as always is the most important part.

  • #2
    Yep! It was about time, pard that you let mother nature sing ya to sleep! Crickets, frogs...I had a distant uncle that always used a flashlight and a net for frog finding! Thanks for sharing!
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

