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Can I Cook In My Tent?

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  • Can I Cook In My Tent?


    Question: Can I cook in my tent?
    There are two imminent dangers to cooking in your tent: the first, and most obvious, is the fire hazard, while the second, and more subtle, is carbon monoxide poisoning.

    Answer: Never cook in your tent. Cooking in your tent can be hazardous. Spilled fuel or a tipped over stove can start a fire. Cooking in a closed area can create a shortage of oxygen and high levels of carbon monoxide could build up. Both situations can have dire consequences.
    Eating in your tent should also be avoided. Spilled food or crumbs are an invitation to insects. You don't want critters having a picnic in your tent while you sleep. When the food is gone, they may make you the next course. For your safety, do not cook or eat in your tent.
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

  • #2
    You want to keep ALL food OUT of your tent - BEARS!! Those buggers can smell food from a goodly distance. Hang your food and trash in a bag from an overhead treelimb. Ideally, you should cook well away from your sleeping area.
    Otherwise, "Hey, hey, Booboo! Grab that pickanick basket!" :D
    You don't want to become the tasty filling of a giant nylon burrito! :eek:
    Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:

