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long term camping in NJ? help...

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  • long term camping in NJ? help...

    First post, love the forum so far and look forward to exploring it more! I'm looking for some help and am hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I am searching for a full time camp ground in NJ. I would like to live in my tent for a minimum of a year but all of the campssites ive found are closed for the winter, or dont allow you to stay for more than 40 days,and not in a row. Is there anywhere that I can live for a solid year, in my tent? Basic amentaties would be nice but not required. I have a car and full time job so just squatting in the woods isn't really an option. Can anyone recommend a location or option for me? My girlfriend will be staying with me. No pets. We both have a lot of camping experience both apart and together. We have deeply researched this idea and have a good grasp of what we will need in order to be successful, we just can't find a spot. I'm located near Ocean City, Cape May/Tuckerton area but anything close to that would work aswell. Thanks for your help!

  • #2
    Re: long term camping in NJ? help...

    I'm not from your area and actually have never thought of the idea that people actually want to live in their tents for longer than a few weeks. I applaud you and your girlfriend for wanting to do this for a year and good luck.


    • #3
      Re: long term camping in NJ? help...

      If they all appear to have a 40 day limit, then there's probably some law preventing them from extending it.
      I would look into that law, and see if there's anyway around it.
      40 days registered under your name, 40 days registered under GF's name?
      Maybe find 2 campgrounds and just switch back and forth between the 2.
      As for winter, if can't find one open in winter.
      Try smaller private campgrounds and try to speak to an owner.
      May be more flexible to make arrangements for you.
      As long as they can do it legally and liability wise, sure they wouldn't mind the extra $$$, also nice to have someone on site to keep an eye on the place while closed.
      Do try to speak to an owner and not just some clerk.


      • #4
        Re: long term camping in NJ? help...

        Regulatory rules for both national forest & state lands(BLM) organized cgs & dispersed camping are created by the USFS(United States Forest Service within the dept of Interior. The USFS allows some states to have a 14 day limit and others to have a 40 day limit. There aren't any areas that allow 365 day limit. That's just the way it is and after a certain date most of the CGs in New Jersey close their gates because the federal government has determined for "public safety" to shut off water supply, close bathrooms a period of rest for the protected forests. Private lands seem to be your best bet. But liability insurance of that private land becomes the issue. Consider for an example that you or your gf gets hurt while on someone's private land there is the possibility that the landowners could be sued by you the camper. It's very expensive insurance to get to be protected from someone who just wants to camp for a year on your property. There is water supply issues, human waste issues, fire issues etc, etc.

        Another option to consider is a friend that has land that he/she will permit you to use for the entire year. In reality a contract should be signed explaining the does & don't for camping on said private property.

        A third option is purchasing a wooded property-lot then there's no problem of what you do on your own property. Here's a link to some property that's for sale in NY. This isn't a joke, it's an option if you are serious about camping in NJ for a year, your own land and amenities perhaps that could be taken as exciting. Trying to find a way to camp in NJ(or just about any state but Nevada or Alaska) with free reign is like asking for the oceans to run dry. If you're interested in Nevada or Alaska let me know, it's not as expensive as the ad but it's regulated a homesteading and you have to stay on that land for 5 years.
        Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
        Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


        • #5
          Re: long term camping in NJ? help...

          Reno has a good idea as far as buying a small peice of land but it might be more cost effective for you to lease a couple acres. This might mean you would have a little less flexability in what you can or can't do than buying but you wouldn't have a piece of land you don't want at the end of your year.

