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What's up for Turkey Day, everyone?

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  • What's up for Turkey Day, everyone?


    I, I mean my wife's relatives are all coming over for a twenty-four pound bird I shot with arrow in October. I wanted to just camp the entire weekend but she(my bride) told everyone how good a shot I got and then what-do-you-know, they have said that they are coming over(we also have 2 stoves in one wall, because we like to cook). They like to eat! So everyone is coming over, but the day after we are going camping, back to Temple Bar. Plenty of work ahead so I probably won't be on here much, you'll like that. Just thought I'd let you know what's up the the desert southwest. What gives from where you are from? Happy Thanksgiving just the same!!
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

  • #2
    I expect to spend a quiet Holiday Weekend at home, doing some work on my bike, getting my camping gear in order for the upcoming motorcycle meet in January, maybe try my hand at cooking a small turkey. Or maybe do like Dad does - just cook come front and rear drumsticks! The best part of the bird! :D

    Since hunting season is getting underway, my local camping in the National Forest gets trickier - too many over-eager hunters that shoot at anything they hear rustling, and it's technically against the law to camp in there during hunting season. It's gotten frigid too - by Florida standards.

    I will be doing a lot more reloading too - I want to stock up in case the incoming Administration hits us sportsmen with higher ammo & component taxes and restrictions, as expected. :o
    Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


    • #3
      What's up for turkey day?

      Today, I'm flying up to Pioche Nevada to pick up the turkey I shot in October. Its been processed and is ready. Oh, I live 7 miles from the North Las Vegas airport and I have a bud that flies in & out of Pioche and he inherited about 15,000 acres of land and offers hunting trips, for a price. He and I go back to 1st grade so I scratch his back and he scratches mine, I hunt on his land for free and I'm always doing something photographically for him too. He had five daughters and I've only done the wedding photography for three so far. I'm hoping that the doe is processed also, that way it'll save me a trip and some cash. Pioche is a beautiful little town about 275 miles north of here.
      Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
      Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


      • #4
        Normally we'd be camping at the beach, but my wife has finals coming up, so it's off for this year. I will be firing up the grill on Sunday for the Raiders/Chiefs, though. Two turkeys in one weekend.


        • #5
          What's up...

          Howdy Scrib,

          Thanks for chiming in, when are you going to put up an avatar? And which of 2 turkeys do you mean, Kansas City or Oakland Bay? The other one is on your table! Success to your bride! Hope she passes with all A's! Anyone one who would watch football and not go camping instead, now that's not right!:rolleyes: How's it going with the other thang? Next week it will be photos of the fox with the big gas grill and no TV! Hah!:D
          Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
          Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

