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Camping with kids - Be Responsible!!!!!

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  • Camping with kids - Be Responsible!!!!!

    I know the link I'll give is self-promotional, but I'm not trying to sell you anything and after my July 4th outing I was reminded that common sense isn't so common in the world of commercial campground campers.

    The story:
    I'm usually a primitive-site only tent camper, but joined some friends camping at a commercial campsite, (semi-primitive nature-setting sites, but commercial amenities), for the July 4th week-end.

    Surrounded by camping families with kids, and from the appearance of their site set-up and gear, they were not new campers. Should have been an enjoyable situation. (I love camping with kids)

    2 adjacent sites, with kids, allowed their kids to run and play in, through, and around their campsite bare-footed. And I'm not talking about just in the area of their camp site, I mean IN the site - all around the camp kitchen and fire-ring, and playing tag using the tents, picnic table, and fire-ring as obstacles to dodge around.

    The clencher:
    July Forth evening, after dark - one site even dimmed their lanterns and let the kids run through camp waving those magnesium sparkler rods that all kids love. WOW - how dangerous was that!

    Luckily there didn't appear to be any accidents or injuries - lucky for them. I can only wonder how many little melt-holes they found in their tents from the sparks of those sparklers..

    I love camping with kids, and think it's one of the best experiences you can give them. But come-on folks - use your head, there are a lot of hazards in a camp site, and to allow kids unsupervised free-run like these examples is just plain irresponsible!

    Maybe even us experienced campers could use a reminder once in a while, check out these basic "Camping with Kids Guides and Rules" to make sure you aren't courting disaster without knowing it.


  • #2
    Re: Camping with kids - Be Responsible!!!!!

    You're right gus! Thankfully, the statute of limitations has run out, lest our own parents be still doing federal time - After all, we didn't wear shoes all summer, didn't have car seats, child-proof medicine bottles, rode our bikes without helmets, played "Army" with firecrackers and bottle rockets, and as kids we could buy rifles through the mail. If we ever have permission to round all these folks up and get some justice, I hope we can count on you and your posse to volunteer. :cool:
    “People have such a love for the truth that when they happen to love something else, they want it to be the truth; and because they do not wish to be proven wrong, they refuse to be shown their mistake. And so, they end up hating the truth for the sake of the object which they have come to love instead of the truth.”
    ―Augustine of Hippo, Fifth Century A.D.


    • #3
      Re: Camping with kids - Be Responsible!!!!!

      Originally posted by tplife View Post
      You're right gus! Thankfully, the statute of limitations has run out, lest our own parents be still doing federal time - After all, we didn't wear shoes all summer, didn't have car seats, child-proof medicine bottles, rode our bikes without helmets, played "Army" with firecrackers and bottle rockets, and as kids we could buy rifles through the mail. If we ever have permission to round all these folks up and get some justice, I hope we can count on you and your posse to volunteer. :cool:


      • #4
        Re: Camping with kids - Be Responsible!!!!!

        Interesting perspective but not sure what direction you're taking.

        Yep, I am old enough to have done and experienced all those things you mentioned. Including blowing up the army soldiers with firecrackers, having my own rifle at 8, and riding on the car's big rear window ledge on a sunny day.

        But whenever I was doing anything dangerous or stupid, my grandfather let me know about it, and not with a time-out either.

        Playing leap-frog with kitchen knives or around a hot camp stove is stupidly dangerous, and he would have quickly clued me in.

        Although he may have waited for me to discover the "dumbness" of playing tag blind-folded among the tent guy-lines for myself. (unless one of the tents subject to damage or collapse was his)

        Hopefully you aren't a proponent of letting a young kid stick their hand into a campfire before warning them that fire burns.



        • #5
          Re: Camping with kids - Be Responsible!!!!!

          I remember being at the Kern river. My daughter (around 12 at the time) had no shoes on. I yelled at her to go get her shoes on and what was she thinking and the whole bit. Just then she steps on gl**** slices between her toes. Still has a scar to this day.
          My Other Interest


          • #6
            Re: Camping with kids - Be Responsible!!!!!

            LOL Guess they just don't make 'em like they used to - huh.

            Since both "counter" replies, (Tplife & Hogsnapper), took my post in a completely different context than intended, that is:

            Macho, "I don't need no stinkin' rules!" attitude, I will jump to the conclusion that they were just looking for an opportunity to display their tough individuality, because that's better than jumping to the conclusion that they would just sit around while kids in their care did stupidly dangerous things that could result in more than just minor injuries.

            My point was if you camp with kids, you need to be responsible enough to teach them safe camp habits and , at least try, to avoid trips to the emergency first aid station. Not that you had to "wussify" them.

            Yep, my gandpop thought throwing me in the river was the best way to teach me to swim too. But he knew he could quickly grab me and avert harm.

            Can you undo the burns a kid can get from falling into a campfire due to horseplay?
            Can you undo the broken bones that can result from tripping over guy-lines at a full run?

            Of course these kind of accidents can happen anyway, but shouldn't you take care to reduce the chances of them happening with kids in your care?

            I'm rough and tough too, and if there is no chance of serious injury, I probably will let kids learn the things the hard-way also - they learn it better, but I won't sit back and ignore my responsibilities when there is a chance of serious injuries.

            but on the other hand - I do enjoy a lively discussion.

            ps. @hogsnapper - sounds like we grew up in similar environs. I camped in week-long bear hunting camps in the mountains of West Va. when I was 8 - carrying a Model 94 30-30 carbine. And lived a similar life-style of camping and mountain living until I was 13. But I was also an adult Scout leader, and knew the importance of teaching kids safe camping habits.



            • #7
              Re: Camping with kids - Be Responsible!!!!!

              hmmm... seem to have touched a sensitive issue. You certainly have a strong opinion about it.

              Which is fine, because they aren't required to be encumbered with facts, logic, or common sense.

              Happy Camping


              • #8
                Re: Camping with kids - Be Responsible!!!!!

                Gentlemen please, let us be civil. Some words and phrases are beginning to sound threatening. Remember this is a family website, no flaming is allowed. Please do not continue on this path. Thank you.
                Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
                Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


                • #9
                  Re: Camping with kids - Be Responsible!!!!!

                  @Renodesertfox - No problem - just saw the responses as "lively" discussion. No harm or "Flaming" intended. All done.

                  BTW - what exactly is Flaming? I know ALL CAPS is yelling, and in this context Flaming seems to imply belligerence - is that correct?



                  • #10
                    Re: Camping with kids - Be Responsible!!!!!

                    Yes, only one in these exchanges was teetering on becoming belligerent. Flaming, also known as bashing, is hostile and insulting interaction between Internet users. There is nothing wrong with good discussion, and I moderate to try to maintain good communication for everyone. It is frequently the result of the discussion of heated real-world issues such as politics, sports, religion, and philosophy, or of issues that polarize sub-populations, but can also be provoked by seemingly trivial differences, ie. camping with kids, when some individuals do not go camping with children and others do.

                    Those topics which fall under politics, sports, religion and philosophy I really try to have people steer away from but these could also be posted in the off-topic sub-forum. There's nothing better than a good concussion. As long as everyone maintains their "cool."
                    Last edited by renodesertfox; 07-09-2011, 01:25 PM.
                    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
                    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

