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How many sites at your park?

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  • How many sites at your park?

    Where do you camp, and how many sites does the venue have?
    Do you camp in a state, national, private campground?
    How many sites does it have?

    We usually stay in the same Provincial Park each year, it has 486 sites plus 3 group camps and I think 2 or 3 backcountry (in the bush) sites.

  • #2
    Wow, 486 sites in one place! That's amazing OC!

    For us, we like to camp dispersed, in a national forest recreational areas, however that is easier said than done. True in the desert areas it's easier to do because the space is wide open for anything. Living so close the Sierra Nevada Mountains it is harder to disperse camp. So we choose national forest campgrounds(50% discount to disabled veterans) that state in their descriptions that space is limited "no RVs, trailers under 13 feet" or words to that effect.

    If we decide to stay in a national park then the choices become more of a challenge. Most national parks have several campgrounds and we look for the campgrounds that are set aside for tenters. Some national parks also do not permit reservations in advance and it's first come first served and those campgrounds take more planing and preparation for. Sometimes there is a waiting line at a predetermined place and during the peak time of year camping crowds can form. That's why we like camping in national parks during the off-seasons.

    We stayed at a private campground once, never again. Money talks there and RVs are welcomed usually with open arms and the owners have no problem setting an RV next to a tent. That just won't do.

    State Parks, especially in California offer good discounts for disabled vets but there camping space is more limited. Like at Napa Valley where we are headed this weekend. There are 24 sites and only three of those sites are set aside for tents, the rest are designed for trailers and RVs. The sites set aside for RVs and trailers have longer concrete slabs for parking their rigs on an even surface. We have never camped at Napa Valley and have always stayed in some high priced fancy hotel, so we shall see what it is like. A weekend there could cost between $200 - $400 but our camping is only going to cost us $24 for the whole weekend! So that is basically how it is for us, living in Reno and camping in the nearby mountains. If I remember more I'll chime in again...but I really should let others tell it how it is for them in their neck of the woods. Everyone has a voice here!
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


    • #3
      State Park campgrounds here aren't as big as up OC's way, but still large. But usually the RVs are some distance from the tents. Problem is, the RVs always seem closest to the bath house! What's up with that!? THEY carry their own facilities, while we need those facilities more! :rolleyes:

      I stayed a night at a KOA campground once - NEVER AGAIN! Tent spots were just whatever tiny patch of grass that they couldn't get an RV onto - very badly placed! I ended up across the perimeter road from the dump station (so RVs were stopping in ALL night!), and on the back fence, with a danged sports stadium nearby - LIGHTS on all night! SHEESH - it was Camper's Heck.......... :eek:

      But it was a LOT cheaper than a motel, being in Orlando close to "Da Mouse"...... nuff said.

      I find the Motorcycle Campgrounds to be quite nice - and RDF, it ain't nearly as loud as you'd think! Riders like their sleep too! :D
      Some allow NO four wheel vehicles or TT's down in the main grounds. Both i stayed at were backed onto rivers, so I put my tent where I was lulled to sleep by the babbling brook!
      Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


      • #4
        So far we have only camped at state campgrounds. The biggest had 73 sites and the smallest had 12.
        May you always have love to share,
        Health to spare
        And friends that care.

