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Is this meal deal for real?

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  • Is this meal deal for real?

    I saw this free survival meal deal on youtube. They say that they are giving out survival meals (like the dehydrated ones at REI) for free. If you know anything about this please reply because I don't really want to get taken if this is not a real thing. Thanks.


  • #2
    First I have heard of it - thanks for the heads-up! These look like possible camping meal items for a small group or family. For one person, the four servings would need to be prepared in maybe two separate meals, or a person might waste some food, if he has no refridgeration.
    Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


    • #3
      When I go solo camping during huntin' season I usually purchase MREs from the Army/Navy Surplus store here in Reno. REI, Sportman's Warehouse, Cabela's also has excellent dry meals for one person. The problem that I have with the offer is you're paying for shipping and the meals are designed for four individuals as a family...there seems to be too much food of the same variety for a solo camp. If you were to open them at home and measure the contents equally and place those quarter measures in separate zip-loc baggies and identify them then it might work for a solo camp. But that's alot of work just to get ready for a solo camp, for me! Of course MREs aren't for everyone but I got use to them in the service and don't mind them at all. Besides when I solo camp I'm not out there hiking a dozen miles like in my youth, it's basically car camping solo style. My $0.02!
      Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
      Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

