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Weather "NOT" Permitting!!!!

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  • Weather "NOT" Permitting!!!!

    August 3rd. 9:42 a.m. Ohio river valley. Since returning from Canada in early July the Trek has been ready to go again locally.
    Trailer is full of fire wood with the kayaks tied on top.
    They haven't moved. First thru July every two or three days and often everyday we had two to four inches of rain each time the skies darkened. Along with this came the heavy winds and tornados.
    Then came the 90f plus heat and 90% plus humidity.
    The sun is a southern Alabama sun. Intense and sweltering.
    First cool spell will hit the trail. But, not until then. Sitting by a campfire
    in 80f heat after 10:00 p.m. just not my idea of relaxing.
    Hope weather is gracing others better than ours.

  • #2
    I feel your pain. I just got back from my 10th straight trip that I experienced rain and or snow plus the high winds that usually accompany these southern thunderstorms. It has become a running joke within my family.

    I have been camping for over 40 years and I have NEVER experienced the types of weather that we are currently enduring. Unfortunately, I have to camp when the opportunity arises so I cant really let this weather keep me from what I love. My family and I are experienced in camping in the inclimate weather so we just trudge on and make the best of it. Just this last camping trip we had over 3 inches of rain in the 3 days we were there. The problem was, this rain came in 1 two hour storm and 1 one hour storm. This type of storm that dumps that amount of water is very damaging. luckily, we came out dry and smelling like a rose but others in the camp ground were not so lucky.

    I guess we just have to deal with whatever Mother Nature dishes out. I just wish she would lighten up a tad. :D


    • #3
      65 here in San Diego
      Sgt. Richard V. Gilbert
      USMC Retired


      • #4
        We have not been able to camp here either. It fluctuates between severe weather with thunder and lighting or extreme heat. I don't want to rush my summer but will be happy to see October so we can camp again.


        • #5
          For me there is no such thing as good weather or bad. Weather is just different and if we have made plans to go, then by cracky we will go! When we go into the mountains at summertime though we are always prepared...snow chains go where we go, regardless. We always carry rain gear, snow gear and great nice summer gear. Since July hit the weather has been great except when it rained, then is was just different. So what I gotta unpack and dry out gear, it just gives me another excuse to set up the Kodiak! I love campin! When that happens, I'm a little kid all over again 'cause I'm sleepin in the backyard! :D Anything less is just pretend camping, by cracky!
          Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
          Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


          • #6
            Angler57, you just described our local Florida weather perfectly! :o

            If it ain't raining, it's sweltering hot! Camping in this hot humidty isjust killing..... :(
            Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


            • #7
              Bigdog I heard that this June and July are the hottest in 30 years .......
              today is supposed to feel like 105.
              I am ready for the jet stream to bring cool dry air and dehumidify this area.
              2006 GMC Sierra 1500 HD Crewcab
              2004 Rockwood Freedom 1640 LTD
              I am not lost, I am here



              • #8
                Glad you can handle the weather Fox. Have said before and will repeat.
                When worked for my uncle got to sleep in holes full of water and sand fleas.
                Eat in the rain with food floating around in water with bugs added for extra calories.
                Now we are older and lile a bit of comfort with our outings.
                Just spoiled reckon.


                • #9
                  Once learned a lesson about riding a motor in rain. Wet leaves covering a street and turning at street corners can be, hazardous to your health.
                  Now, have fallen qiuckly while water sking. But this.
                  Was on pavement looking at tree tops when the drive tire caught pavement on came around and hit me.
                  Only suffered a bit of pride damage as a little old lafy came to my rescue.


                  • #10
                    The heat here in north Alabam is horrible. I got a new tent for 27th anniversary last week. May have to just tolerate heat this weekend so I can try new tent.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by angler57 View Post
                      Once learned a lesson about riding a motor in rain. Wet leaves covering a street and turning at street corners can be, hazardous to your health.
                      Now, have fallen qiuckly while water sking. But this.
                      Was on pavement looking at tree tops when the drive tire caught pavement on came around and hit me.
                      Only suffered a bit of pride damage as a little old lafy came to my rescue.

                      I've been wimping out and driving the van. I do not ride without my armored jacket, and that is just too hot right now. Don't want to be all sweaty when I get to work in the morning!
                      Biggest danger here for riders is the stupid people who may STOP suddenly on a wet rain-slick street for NO danged reason. THAT was my last low-side laydown. It was either purposely lay the bike down or..... make a lasting and large impression in the rear of her car. THAT woulda ruined my wholeday. :mad:
                      Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:

