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Why Take a Family Vacation Campin?

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  • Why Take a Family Vacation Campin?

    Howdy Campateers,
    In the modern family entertainment consists of glowing screens. The computer, video games, cell phones, and television are the things that entertain our families. These are all great technologies, but most of them are solitary activities. Game nights have always been a go to family get together, but why not do something special? A family camping vacation could be just what you need. Spending time together in a tent out in the middle of the woods can be a lot of fun. Plus, your kid's cell phone won't get reception, so you'll get uninterrupted conversation.

    Start your family camping vacation by picking the right place to go. National forests and parks will often have areas reserved for camping. Call ahead and ask where to go and how much it will cost. When you get there the attendant will usually give you a map to the reserved spot to put your tent. National forests and parks have hiking trails that you can take your family on during your vacation.

    There are also sometimes visitor centers that give have fun and informative displays about the park. These forests parks are also easy to find, because they have brochures at tourist places and sometimes sporting goods stores.

    Packing all of the right equipment and supplies will ensure more time to have fun. Make sure everyone has their own pack with extra clothes and toiletries. There should be a seal able container filled with non perishable food. Pick out a camping tent that will be big enough to fit all your sleeping bags and/or air mattresses. Camping stores offer tent sizes that are perfect for family camping vacations. If you don't get cell phone reception, maybe it would be wise to pack a 2-way radio with your first aid supplies.

    Entertainment can be just as easily found on a family camping vacation as it is at home. Bring a couple of your family's favorite board games. You can play them inside your cool tent when it gets too hot outside. There are also several classic camping games you can play. Frisbees and horse shoes are great day time sports. At night there is always story telling around the camp fire. You can also have a contest to see who can find the most constellations. With some s'mores and good music, you know you will be sure to have a safe, fun and memorable weekend vacation. Good luck!

    PS. I wanna go campin now, by cracky! See ya out there!
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

  • #2
    We are just now working on getting back into the camping for these very reasons. We want our grandson to experience life without electronics. We have such great memories of our trips with our girls when they were growing up - we think it is important for him to get to experience the outdoors too! (he was about a year old the last time we camped, and he is now 10)

