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  • Binoculars

    I want to buy a pair of binoculars. Are there any good name brands to look for or any to avoid? I mainly want them for wildlife viewing. I have 2 small pairs but I was able to see better using the zoom on my digital camera(20x) than using them. I don't mind spending a few hundred dollars for a good pair. I did see some $2000+ pairs at the store. What on earth makes them worth that much? Any recommendations would be appreciated.
    May you always have love to share,
    Health to spare
    And friends that care.

  • #2
    A couple of the premium German-made binos are ridiculously expensive - nice gear but you're paying too much for the name.

    Look at those from the top Camera companies - Pentax, Nikon, etc. They know good lenses, and it'll come down to what feels good in your hand and looks 'right' to you. A good pair can be had for less than $500.
    You're right about those cheap mini-binocs - they 'work' but quality is in the dumps. Reminds me of the old "3-D" View-Master toys we had as kids - everything is in flat 'panels'.......
    Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


    • #3
      Leupold!! These are the bino's I use.

      Sgt. Richard V. Gilbert
      USMC Retired


      • #4

        These are the bino's I use!

        Sgt. Richard V. Gilbert
        USMC Retired


        • #5
          I am a HUGE fan of Leupold binoculars. I have several pairs. All Leupold's come with a lifetime warranty.

          One of my favorites was also the cheapest. The Leupold Yosemite 6x30. At only around $75 they are a beautiful pair of binoculars.

          At around $350 my second favorite pair is my Leupold Katmai 6x32. Very compact and an incredible view! Beautiful binoculars.

          I have a few more Leupold pairs....Mojave 12x50.....Cascade 8x42....and the small Rogue compact 8x25

          I also have a pair of Nikon Action Extreme 10x50 roof binoculars that are also a terrific pair of binoculars. They are quite a bit larger physically than any of my Leupolds though.

          I absolutely love them all and I wouldn't get rid of any of them for any reason!

          Have fun picking out a pair!

          I do recommend any of the Leupold or Nikon binoculars as they come with a lifetime warranty!

          I forgot to mention my Pentax Papilio 6.5x21 compact binoculars! Look them up online....a very fun and unique pair of binoculars to own! I love them!
          Last edited by snatiep; 07-24-2010, 08:51 AM.


          • #6
            Thanks for the recs. It'll probably be about a month before I can buy them now. I thought my tires would get us through the summer but after taking them off and actually looking at them, we decided to buy new ones now.
            May you always have love to share,
            Health to spare
            And friends that care.


            • #7
              Birdwatchers are the experts

     is where the bino experts hang out.
              When I awoke, the Dire Wolf
              Six hundred pounds of sin
              Was grinning at my window
              All I said was, "Come on in".


              • #8
                I checked out the bird forum site and those guys really like the expensive binoculars. I also, went by Sportsman Warehouse and the salesman was really pushing the Nikon Monarchs. They are more in my price range and I like their no fault warranty. I want to go back one more time and look through them again and make up my mind. Then I'll probably look around on the internet to see if I can find them cheaper.
                May you always have love to share,
                Health to spare
                And friends that care.


                • #9
                  Good luck nearly...there's got to be a pun in there somewhere. Desert Rose uses Leupold and loves 'em! I use an old pair of 10x50 Nikon binos. But I usually leave home and just use Canon glass on the dslrs I carry. So what did you get?
                  Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
                  Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


                  • #10
                    Once you have decided on magnification and how much your back pocket will suffer, then doing the research is the easy part. The best, least expensive and cheapest shipping with a good warranty rules and governs everything we purchase! Too bad about your tires...this spring I spent some bucks myself, replacing all four in the jeep! Even redid the 350Z too, ouch!:eek:
                    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
                    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


                    • #11
                      I just bought them. I decided on the Nikon Monarch X.

                      I did a lot of looking around and finally found a place that was the cheapest and the shipping wasn't too bad. I wanted to get them from Amazon. They had the same price but free shipping. However, they have been out of stock for some time now and I need them by Sept. 19th. I did check ebay but the people on there wanted way too much money for them. Nikon is also offering $100 rebate on them.
                      May you always have love to share,
                      Health to spare
                      And friends that care.


                      • #12
                        Great choice...Nikon! I'm happy for you! Way to Go!!!

                        What's so special about Sept 19th?
                        Last edited by renodesertfox; 09-01-2010, 03:59 AM.
                        Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
                        Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

