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Why Go Camping?

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  • Why Go Camping?

    Howdy Campateers,
    Coop here and I was just asking myself this question as a reflection really, now that our move to Reno is finally finished. However, now our next couple of months will be opening boxes and finding old stuff that we thought we had thrown away or given away; it's like Christmas morning now every day! Ha Ha!:D

    We live on a shrinking planet! There's no need for measurements. World populations continue to grow and put ever-increasing demands on natural resources. Every day cities are expanding their borders and infringing on surrounding farm lands and forests. Every day plants and animals are becoming extinct as a result of the expansion of our modern society. The conservation efforts of governments may be able to preserve many forests and public lands for future generations to enjoy but they can't stop the lines waiting to get into these places from getting unbearably long. Camping requires uncrowded open spaces in order to be appreciated. Consequently, the opportunities for memorable camping experiences are getting fewer and farther between.

    What better reason to go camping than to enjoy the outdoors and the scenic wonders of nature while we still can? With popular outdoor destinations requiring reservations as much as a year in advance, the feeling of the outdoors is getting lost in the crowds. More and more it's becoming necessary to camp in the off-season or to travel great distances in order to find any peace or solitude.

    There are many valid reasons for escaping the routines of ordinary life and camping facilitates that escape for many of us. We all need a return to nature now and then. We all can benefit with a break from our routines. The thought of sitting around a campfire under a clear sky, gazing up at the stars, and listening to the sounds of the night can strengthen our bodies, pacify our minds, and restore our spirits. Camping is rejuvenating!

    Search for your youth and go camping! And, wherever you find peace, stop for a moment and reflect on how blessed you are to be able to sense this marvelous planet we call campground Earth. Remember to share your love for the outdoors with family and friends and to help pass on some respect for nature to future generations.

    So what do you think is the reason that a person or family should go camping. If you care to share here's your chance to tell everyone why you go camping! The last time I looked this site was still a working forum so we'd love to hear what you got to say. Thanks for looking and for sharing too, if you have a mind to! Adios fer now, I'm going camping...real soon!
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

  • #2
    Family Time - Unconnected

    A big reason for me to go camping is to spend quality time with the family unconnected to the Internet, Cell phones and any other techno-distractions that absorb my everyday life. Conversations with my boys when they're young are precious to me and I love to hear their little minds think. Whether it be on a hike or on a fishing trip, camping brings the best out in families and that is why it's the best type of vacation possible.
    Needs for Facebook Fans. My mom doesn't really count.


    • #3
      My primary reasons to camp:

      1) Solitude - after dealing with the municipal ratrace for awhile, I just have to get away, out into the woods. Enjoying the quiet majesty of nature, and her natural sounds and music.

      2) On the other hand, we have a motorcycle forum group that holds meets every few months in different parts of the country. Great way to meet new and old friends, and enjoy comradery around the campfire! Those of us camping by bike also learn to pack light!

      3) When traveling, I much prefer camping to a motel room. Less worries about security, people of (generally) like mind around, and better scenery if the campground is a good one. Also much less expensive!
      Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


      • #4
        Crowded World

        That's why we live in northeastern California. It's not crowded around here at all. About 2 hrs northwest out of Reno along 395 you will not have any problems finding campin' spots and without any reservations at all.

        PS. Since most all logging has ceased, there are great boondocking sites. Just use the logging roads to get in there. (until they close them up too).


        • #5
          Welcome Korbe, nice intro ya came up with! Perhaps next year we will wander north up Hwy 395 and find ya boondocking. Sounds right up our camping itinerary just the way we like it. We(bride & I) love a rough and ready timber road to hunt a lost forgotten place to camp. Hope to hear more from you and your experiences here at the best camping forum on the planet! Thanks fer takin' the time to saddle-up!:D
          Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
          Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


          • #6
            Adventure! I Need It!
            Sgt. Richard V. Gilbert
            USMC Retired


            • #7
              Originally posted by familycampman View Post
              A big reason for me to go camping is to spend quality time with the family unconnected to the Internet, Cell phones and any other techno-distractions that absorb my everyday life. Conversations with my boys when they're young are precious to me and I love to hear their little minds think. Whether it be on a hike or on a fishing trip, camping brings the best out in families and that is why it's the best type of vacation possible.
              I couldn't agree more with that statement. Camping is about getting away from everything that is remotely distracting. It's quite, peaceful and you learn to appreciate everything NATURAL we do have. When you can learn to live without an above ground pool, I think you're set.
              Last edited by HappyCamperKitteh; 04-23-2010, 09:11 AM.

