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Water Filter Pump advice

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  • Water Filter Pump advice

    I just purchased a USED 'First Need' water filter pump at a garage sale. The hoses aren't damaged but are aged and I suppose it to be over ten years old, and have no idea how many times the filter was used or if it was ever replaced although it is in quite good shape.

    I was wondering if there is any way to check the filter, or if there is an expiration?

    It came with what I believe was blue dye drops, [or perhaps it is liquid iodine?] and is it acceptable to fill a pot with water and dye and then attempt to filter it, and if the filter is still good the dye will be removed from the water?

    It also has a primer filter, and my query also is germane to its quality.

    I know in such a case it is better safe than sorry to simply get a new filter- and hoses- but the advice I seek concerns the expiration and checking of a used filter when you don't know its age or use, and if there exists a way to verify its integrity while not in the field.


  • #2
    Re: Water Filter Pump advice

    There is no way that I know of to check the age of the filter unless you know exactly how old it is and how many times the original filter has been used. To get a replacement filter, even though you might be strapped for cash, is your best bet. Here is a website that might be able to help you. You could also email them and ask them the same question. They probably will have a better answer than I.
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


    • #3
      Re: Water Filter Pump advice

      Did you ever come to a resolution on this? I would worry about the age of the filter itself. There is every possibility that any seals inside are worn/brittle/cracked which would make the unit unsafe to use.

      As far as the tubing, you could probably replace it easily with surgical tubing of appropriate size.
      Nights spent outside in 2012: 4

      Life is a verb.


      • #4
        Re: Water Filter Pump advice

        The First Need filter is manufactured by General Ecology Inc. Go to their website and ask them. They do supply food coloring and they suggest t6hat you filter thisa thru your filter before every trip to test the integrity of the canister. Cheapest place to buy the canister, as far as I have found, is Campmor. They sell replacement canisters for about $45.00. If it has been awhile since the filter was used or if you just waqnt to be safe I would buy a new canister, after all the 45 bucks you spent will be alot less than the doctor billsv you will get if you get sick.

