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Helinox One Chair

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  • Helinox One Chair

    Hey Gang,

    Figured I'd do my part and report in on a impulse purchase.

    I was at LL Bean today and was looking at the camping chairs. I stumbled on the Helinox One chair; seemed like a gimmick but I was in the store so what the heck right? I sat down in it and ... WOW ! It is such a comfortable chair; I had no idea I would like it so much.

    They are not cheap (90 bucks), but they are made awfully solid even though the chair has a little give to it when you sit down. I spent a good 2 hours out back the house today in it; I really like this chair. The back and sections of the bottom are webbed so that you get good air access. It packs down ultra small, weighs only 32 oz., but can support up to 320lbs. Truly remarkable.

    Cup holders not required because it sits close to the ground, and it has four legs so its not a trip to get in and out of like that Monarch chair I've seen.

    Grabbed 2 for the wife and I. I just saved a whole bunch of room in the truck since I don't need the full size Colemans anymore. Plus, as the kids get involved w/ field sports I now have the ideal chair to lug around the fields.

    I could've saved some tax buy getting the chair online, however since I bought it from LL Bean it now has the lifetime warranty with it. :cool:

    These chairs are sweet, though some of our older campers may have issues getting out of them. I let my Mom sit in one and she found it very comfortable, but needed a hand to get her out of it.
    Last edited by Jopopsy; 05-27-2013, 04:39 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Helinox One Chair

    I bought one of those chairs but am returning it. It does pack small, is sturdy, and very comfortable. I bought it for a larger friend of mine as it should hold up to 250 pounds. However, I don't believe anyone of that size would actually fit in it. It would likely be too narrow. Also, as you say, it is difficult to get out of for anyone with not-so-great knees. I also found it difficult to set up.


    • #3
      Re: Helinox One Chair

      I found the setup went very quickly if I put the two top ends in first, then the chair and put the top down on the ground. Putting the other two ends in was easy peasy after that.

      I could see the 'girth' of a larger person perhaps being too much for the narrow chair; I'm thinking the weight limit is more boasting about how durable/reliable the chair would be for those of us less large.


      • #4
        Re: Helinox One Chair

        Itsd hard to sell me any kind of camping chairs since everyone i have had the rivets always break.. The last chairs i got was some heavy duty Basspro chairs and they were not cheap and did break not long after i got them
        Gonna see if theres a LL Bean near me..
        Proud owner of the Kodiak canvas 10 x 14 deluxe flex bow tent..


        • #5
          Re: Helinox One Chair

          You would think by looking at the chair w/ the poles disconnected, 'How in the heck is this going to support me?'. Then you see the weight transfer across the unit as somebody sits in it. Its pretty cool.

          Bean by me has it set up in front of the TV. They told me lots of folks sit in it to try it and end up watching TV for awhile b/c its surprisingly comfortable.

          Oh, and no rivets of any kind.
          Last edited by Jopopsy; 05-27-2013, 06:29 PM. Reason: typo


          • #6
            Re: Helinox One Chair

            I agree that it is really comfortable! I was tempted to keep it for myself ~ except I do not need another chair and therefore can not justify the cost. It's also a bit low for my knees.

            I only put it together the one time. Can't remember for sure but I think I put the bottom ends in first; maybe that was the problem.


            • #7
              Re: Helinox One Chair

              Interesting how the needs of one differ from another. I like your new purchase, Jopopsy. I like it so much I pulled the link up and talked to the SO about it. He took one look and decided that it wasn't for him (knee issues). However the convo continued and he admitted his favorite chairs are the one season (if yer lucky) seats from the drugstore. Which I despise as giving no back support. Kept talking and he declared that he preferred the drugstore versions to this chair which we've two of:


              Told him I'd get him a cheapo chair this year and leave the little grrlies to fight over the back erect version.

              July 3 to July 16- annual kiddo trip
              Aug 2 to Aug 14- adult trip to recover from kiddos' outing. Bring on the Campari!


              • #8
                Re: Helinox One Chair

                NYCGrrl, if the drugstore chairs are your thing but you like that backsupport, than you'll want to check this out:


                Its got that folding design, but man does it have some excellent lumbar support. This was the chair I originally was super interested in seeing until I found the Helinox. The Helinox also provides excellent back support, however if I had issues getting low I'd have gone for the Strongback. The thing is pretty big when packed though; that was the big detractor for me. I can see myself bringing my Helinox w/ me for all sorts of things. *Notice I didn't say lugging !*

                The Strongback chair was 10 bucks cheaper, and seemed awfully solid.

